Geneva Battle Hardened

Geneva Battle Hardened


We are proud and happy to welcome you in Geneva for the first Battle Hardened in Switzerland! Join us for a weekend entirely dedicated to Flesh & Blood, where passion and competition will be at the forefront!

Schedule :

  • Friday – Super Armory
    Format : Blitz
    Time : 18h00
    Player Cap : 32
  • Saturday – Battle Hardened :
    Format : Classic Constructed
    Time : 9h00
    Player Cap : 128
  • Sunday – ProQuest+ :
    Format : Sealed
    Time : 9h00
    Player Cap : 128

We organize side events on Saturday and Sunday. You will find more informations on the Flesh&Blood website and we will add more informations here soon.

The tickets for each event are listed below. You can register by clicking on the cart icon for the events you’re interested in. When completing your order, please also provide your GEM ID in the order comments. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

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